CRYSTAL FUND is a family of investment vehicles managed by Oristan Ireland DAC. These vehicles invest in tranches of Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLOs).


  • Designed to monetize the value embedded in Collateralized Loan Obligation (CLOs)
  • Disciplined due diligence process, conservative analytical approach, broad trading capabilities, consistent track record over various economic cycles, including resistance to Great Financial (2008) Crisis and Covid-related scenarios
  • Knowledge developed from the management of the Crystal & BK Opportunities Funds


  • Founded in 2004
    by Ran Fridrich
    and Hemi Raphael

    Significant volume
    of structured finance securities
    under management

  • Managed by
    Olivier Gozlan
    since 2006

    Multiple award winner
    funds and management

  • Regulated by
    the Central Bank of Ireland
    since 2007

    4 Funds actively
    managed including
    BK Opp. Fund 6

  • 6 Funds

    6 Funds

  • 9 Funds launched
    since 2004

    9 Funds launched
    since 2004

  • Registered under the
    Alternative Investment
    ManagerDirective (AIFMD)

    Registered under the
    Alternative Investment
    ManagerDirective (AIFMD)

  • 4 Funds actively
    managed including
    BK Opp. Fund 6

    Regulated by
    the Central Bank of Ireland
    since 2007

  • Multiple award winner
    funds and management

    Managed by
    Olivier Gozlan
    since 2006

  • Significant volume
    of structured finance securities
    under management

    Founded in 2004
    by Ran Fridrich
    and Hemi Raphael